शक्कर से मीठा
Posted by Unknown in अंग्रेजी-हिंदी अनुवाद, कहानी अनुवाद, साहित्यिक अनुवाद on Friday, January 21, 2011
A father one day asked his daughters , "what is the sweetest thing in the world?" "Sugar !" said the elder daughter. "salt", said the younger daughter.
Her father thought that she was making fun of him , but she stuck to her opinion. The father was obstinate , but so was his daughter. A quarrel broke out between them over this small matter, and he drove her out of the house , saying: "As you think salt is sweeter than sugar , you had better find another home where the cooking is more to your taste. "
It was a beautiful summer night , and as the pretty maiden sat singing sadly in the forest around her father's cottage, a young prince , who had lost the way while hunting the deer , heard her voice, and came to ask her the way. Then struck by her beauty , he fell in love with her, took her home to his beautiful palace
and married her.
The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to complain as they ate the tasteless food. "There is no salt in the meat !" they said angrily.
"Ah!", said the bride's father . "salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world! But when my daughter said so , I turned her out of my house . If only I could see her again and tell her how sorry I am !"
Drawing the bridal veil aside from her face , the happy girl went to her father and kissed him. Now properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests were satisfied.
It was a beautiful summer night , and as the pretty maiden sat singing sadly in the forest around her father's cottage, a young prince , who had lost the way while hunting the deer , heard her voice, and came to ask her the way. Then struck by her beauty , he fell in love with her, took her home to his beautiful palace
and married her.
The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to complain as they ate the tasteless food. "There is no salt in the meat !" they said angrily.
"Ah!", said the bride's father . "salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world! But when my daughter said so , I turned her out of my house . If only I could see her again and tell her how sorry I am !"
Drawing the bridal veil aside from her face , the happy girl went to her father and kissed him. Now properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests were satisfied.
एक पिता ने किसी दिन अपनी पुत्री से पूछा , "क्या है जो दुनिया में सबसे अधिक मीठा है? "शक्कर" बड़ी बेटी ने तपाक से उत्तर दिया. "नमक" छोटी ने भी सुर मिला दिया.
पिता ने सोचा ज़रूर छोटी उसके साथ मजाक कर रही है. परन्तु वह अपने कथ्य से चिपकी ही रही. पिता ने उसे जिद्दी माना मगर क्यूँ थी वह ऐसे ? छोटी बट और एक बड़ी लड़ाई उनके बीच फूट पड़ी. और पिता ने उसे घर से बाहर की ओर खदेड़ दिया , कहते हुए "जैसा कि तुम्हें नमक शक्कर की बनिस्पत कहीं अधिक मीठा प्रतीत होता है , तब तुम अधिक अच्छे से एक दूसरा घर तलाश पाओगी जहाँ तुम अपनी सोच-स्वाद को नए तरीकों से पका पाओगी."
गर्मियों की खूबसूरत रात थी यह , पिता के घर के पास वाले जंगल में प्यारी मैना का दुखभर गीत जारी था , कि अचानक हरिन के पीछे रास्ता भटके एक जवान राजकुमार ने उसे सुना और पास आकार अपने रस्ते के बारे में पूछा और उसकी सुंदरता को देख जड़वत रह गया , प्रेम में पड़ उसे अपने खूबसूरत महल में लिवा ले गया और शादी रचा बैठा.
दुल्हन ने शादी के समारोह में बिना पिता को बताये कि वह उसी की पुत्री है अपने पिता को भी आमंत्रित कर लिया. सभी व्यंजन बिना नमक के बनाये गए और मेहमानों की शिकायतें भी आनी शुरू हो गयीं कि क्या बेस्वाद भोजन है. गुस्से से बोले "माँस में नमक नाम की कोई चीज़ है ही नहीं".
"आह"पिता ने कहा. "सच में नमक संसार की सबसे मीठी शै है ! लेकिन जब मेरी बेटी ने इसे कहा तो मैंने उसे घर से बेदखल कर दिया . काश किसी तरह एक बार उसे मैं देख पाता और बता सकता कितना शर्मिंदा हूँ मैं !"
दुल्हन के सफ़ेद नकाब को अपने चेहरे से नौंचते हुए खुश हुई लड़की अपने पिता के पास गयी और उसे एक बोसा दिया. अब उचितत रीके से नमक में पकाई भोजन सामग्रियां परोसी गयीं और इस समय सारे मेहमान संतुष्ट थे.
अनुवाद : जोगेन्द्र सिंह ~ Jogendra Singh Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 5:50 PM
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